1. Use low VOC products: After painting, the volatile organic compound level can be 1000 times the healthy normal. Select low or no VOC paints and use non-toxic natural cleaners around the house or make your own green cleaning products at a fraction of the cost.
2. Put an aerator on all faucets: This can cut water consumption by 50%.
3. Install low flow toilets: These only use 1.6 gallons per flush compared to 3.5 gallons for pre-1994 model toilets OR if new toilets aren't in the budget right now adjust your float valve to let less water into the tank.
4. Install low flow shower heads: This can cut water consumption by 25% - 50% per shower. Water pressure seems to be a concern with low flow shower heads but newer models have settings so you can adjust the pressure.
5. Install a new water heater: When its time to replace the water heater consider installing an "on demand" system that only heats the water as it is needed.
Lenny & Lisa