Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Joy of a New Kitchen for the Holidays!

Here we are again, imagining the wonderful feast we all look forward to on Thanksgiving! Wow, it is next week! How did the months fly by so quickly? Christmas parties and family gatherings are right around the corner! Wasn't it last year, you vowed the next holiday meal you cooked would be created in your beautifully remodeled new kitchen?

As you dreamed, you smiled, visualizing family and friends gathering comfortably. Your heart warmed at the idea of all of you cooking together and enjoying all your favorite dishes prepared side by side in your bright new beautiful kitchen. In 2013, I bet you thought, "next year" I will have my new kitchen before the Holidays. Here it is 2014.

Time rushes by for all of us. American's are busy people. Priorities shift or change. Before we know it Spring and Summer fly by and another year has passed. Suddenly there is not enough time to have the project completed before November. We realize we are in the same space we were last year trying to make the best of it. If that is you, make a positive experience out of this. As you prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, pay attention to what you are thinking every time you walk into, cook, eat, or entertain in your kitchen.I bet you do not realize it , but every time you work in your current kitchen, you are assessing what you like, hate, want to change, or want to keep the same and improve. We all do!

Instead of being disappointed you do not have your new kitchen this year, be proactive! Now is the time to grab a folder and start your 2015 dream kitchen project. The process begins with you discovering what you really like and want. You will be living in and enjoying your new kitchen for years to come. Taking the time to truly consider your taste, needs, and special interests does pay off. It is a creative process. The more involved you are in thoughtful consideration, conception, planning, and selection of products, the more fun and satisfaction you will experience. Kitchens are the heart of the home. You have an amazing opportunity to truly discover what is most important to you and your family in this very special room in your home.

Pay attention to the subconscious thoughts perking up whenever you are preparing food and eating now.  Start a list. Write down what you really like about your current space. Also, write down what you really need or want that you don't have right now. Visualize yourself entertaining guests, preparing, and serving food for your family. Pay attention to how functional the space is now. What do you really like. What annoys you? What additions would make it better, more fun, and satisfying for your lifestyle.

This dream folder is the perfect place to keep pictures in magazines that catch your eye. Add pictures of cabinets, lighting, sinks, appliances, windows and accessories that attract you and make you happy. Write down or take pictures of ideas or products you see in other homes that you would like to consider a possibility in your project. Add them to your folder.

 Keep it up. It will not be long before you see a trend. You will notice naturally the style of cabinets you prefer. Soon you will discover your taste and preferences. All this helps you make the choices that will make you really love your new kitchen. It will dramatically simplify your process of making important selections. Being proactive in this adventure brings so much excitement  and joy.

By the time you come in to see us at Apple Wood  you will be ready to confidently select the cabinet line, door style, wood species, paint or stain, glaze, plumbing fixtures, sink, and lighting. We will help you decide the best design to check off as many of your hopes and dreams as possible in your new kitchen.

By Spring or Summer of 2015 Apple Wood Designers and Contractors will begin designing and building your dream. November 0f 2015 will fulfill everything you visualized for the perfect Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations with your loved ones for years to come! We look forward to taking a look at your folder of ideas!